FamBlab ni kisah suka duka suku sakat Anak Cucu Cicit Allahyarham Haji Abdul Aziz & Hajjah Meriam...Blog ini juga merupakan catatan dan kenangan saya dan keluarga. Other than that is just collections of my hobbies and stuffs. I hope you’ll enjoy viewing my journey.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Raya 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Roseola is a generally mild infection that usually affects children by age 2. It occasionally affects adults. Roseola is extremely common — so common that most children have been infected with roseola by the time they enter kindergarten.
Two common strains of the herpes virus cause roseola. The condition typically causes several days of fever, followed by a rash.
Some children develop only a very mild case of roseola and never show any clear indication of illness, while others experience the full range of symptoms.
Roseola typically isn't serious. Rarely, complications from a very high fever can result. Treatment of roseola includes bed rest, fluids and medications to reduce fever.
If your child is exposed to someone with roseola and becomes infected with the virus, it generally takes a week or two for signs and symptoms of infection to appear — if they appear at all. It's possible to become infected with roseola, but have signs and symptoms too mild to be readily noticeable. Roseola symptoms may include:
1. Fever. Roseola typically starts with a sudden, high fever — often greater than 103 F (39.4 C). Some children may also have a slightly sore throat, runny nose or cough along with or preceding the fever. Your child may also develop swollen glands in his or her neck along with the fever. The fever lasts for three to seven days.
2. Rash. Once the fever subsides, a rash typically appears — but not always. The rash consists of many small pink spots or patches. These spots are generally flat, but some may be raised. There may be a white ring around some of the spots. The rash usually starts on the chest, back and abdomen and then spreads to the neck and arms. It may or may not reach the legs and face. The rash, which isn't itchy or uncomfortable, can last from several hours to several days before fading.
Other signs and symptoms of roseola may include:
- Fatigue
- Irritability in infants and children
- Mild diarrhea
- Decreased appetite
- Swollen eyelids
The most common cause of roseola is the human herpes virus 6 (HHV6), but the cause also can be another herpes virus — human herpes virus 7 (HHV7). These herpes viruses are related to, but different from, those that cause cold sores and genital herpes.
Like other viral illnesses, such as a common cold, roseola spreads from person to person through contact with an infected person's respiratory secretions or saliva. For example, a healthy child who shares a cup with a child who has roseola could contract the virus.
Roseola is contagious even if no rash is present. That means the condition can spread while an infected child has only a fever, even before it's clear that the child has roseola. Watch for signs of roseola if your child has interacted with another child who has the illness.
Unlike chickenpox and other childhood viral illnesses that spread rapidly, roseola rarely results in a communitywide outbreak. The infection can occur at any time of the year.
Older infants are at greatest risk of acquiring roseola because they haven't had time yet to develop their own antibodies against many viruses. While in the uterus, babies receive antibodies from their mothers that protect them as newborns from contracting infections, such as roseola. But this immunity fades with time. The most common age for a child to contract roseola is between 9 and 21 months.
Roseola can cause a high fever — 103 F (39.4 C) or higher. Call your child's doctor anytime your child has a fever greater than 103 F (39.4 C). The doctor may want to examine your child to rule out more serious causes of fever.
Your child could have a convulsion (febrile seizure) if his or her fever becomes too high or spikes too quickly. However, usually by the time you notice your child's high temperature, the threat of a possible seizure has already passed. If your child does have an unexplained seizure, seek medical care immediately.
If your child has roseola and the fever lasts more than seven days, or if the rash doesn't improve after three days, call your child's doctor.
If your immune system is compromised and you come in contact with someone who had roseola, contact your doctor. You may need monitoring for a possible infection that, for you, could be more severe than it is for a child.
Roseola can be difficult to diagnose because initial signs and symptoms are similar to those of other common childhood illnesses, such as the common cold or an ear infection. If it's clear that no cold, ear infection, strep throat or other common condition is present, your doctor may wait to see if the characteristic rash of roseola appears. Your doctor may tell you to look for the rash while you treat your child's fever at home.
Doctors confirm a diagnosis of roseola by the telltale rash or, in some cases, by a blood test to check for antibodies to roseola.
Seizures in childrenOccasionally a child with roseola experiences a seizure brought on by a rapid rise in body temperature. If this happens, your child might briefly lose consciousness and jerk his or her arms, legs or head for several seconds to minutes. He or she may also lose bladder or bowel control temporarily.
If your child has a seizure, seek emergency care. Although frightening, fever-related seizures in otherwise healthy young children are generally short-lived and are rarely harmful.
Complications from roseola are rare. The vast majority of otherwise healthy children and adults with roseola recover quickly and completely.
Concerns for people with weak immune systems:
Roseola is of greater concern in people whose immune system is compromised, such as those who have recently received a bone marrow or organ transplant. They may contract a new case of roseola — or a previous infection may come back while their immune system is weakened. Because they have less resistance to viruses in general, immune-compromised people tend to develop more severe cases of infection and have a harder time fighting off illness.
People with weak immune systems who contract roseola may experience potentially serious complications from the infection, such as pneumonia or encephalitis — a potentially life-threatening inflammation of the brain.
Most children recover fully from roseola within a week of the onset of the fever. With your doctor's advice, you can give your child over-the-counter medications to reduce fever, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others). However, don't give aspirin to a child who has a viral illness because aspirin has been associated with the development of Reye's syndrome, which can be serious.
There's no specific treatment for roseola, although some doctors may prescribe the antiviral medication ganciclovir (Cytovene) to treat the infection in people with weakened immunity. Antibiotics aren't effective in treating viral illnesses, such as roseola.
Because there's no vaccine to prevent roseola, the best you can do to prevent the spread of roseola is to avoid exposing your child to an infected child. If your child is sick with roseola, keep him or her home and away from other children until the fever has broken. Once the rash appears, the virus is much less contagious.
Most people have antibodies to roseola by the time they're of school age, making them immune to a second infection. Even so, if one household member contracts the virus, make sure that all family members wash their hands frequently to prevent spread of the virus to anyone who isn't immune.
Adults who never contracted roseola as children can become infected later in life, though the disease tends to be mild in healthy adults. The main concern is that infected adults can pass the virus on to children.
Lifestyle and home remedies
Like most viruses, roseola just needs to run its course. Once the fever subsides, your child should feel better soon. However, a fever can make your child uncomfortable. To treat your child's fever at home, your doctor may recommend:
- Plenty of rest. Let your child rest in bed until the fever disappears.
- Plenty of fluids. Encourage your child to drink clear fluids, such as water, ginger ale, lemon-lime soda, clear broth or an electrolyte solution (such as Pedialyte or sports drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade) to prevent dehydration. Remove the gas bubbles from carbonated fluids. You can do this by letting the carbonated beverage stand or by shaking, pouring or stirring the beverage. Removing the carbonation will mean having your child avoid the added discomfort of excess burping or intestinal gas that carbonated beverages may cause.
- Sponge baths. A lukewarm sponge bath or a cool washcloth applied to your child's head can soothe the discomfort of a fever. However, avoid using ice, cold water, fans or cold baths. These may give the child unwanted chills.
There's no specific treatment for the rash of roseola, which fades on its own in a short time.
Roseola will likely keep your child home for a few days. When staying home with your child, plan low-key activities that you both will enjoy. If your child is sick and you need to return to work, recruit help from your partner or from other relatives and friends.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Baby's Tip
Babies' sleep patterns can be affected by many things, including illness, holidays, changes in routine, and development. Many babies who were great sleepers as babies start waking again during the night between six and 10 months of age. Doctors aren't exactly sure why this happens but believe there may be some physiological or developmental reason. If your baby suddenly starts waking during the night, step back and evaluate the situation. First, is it something environmental? Have the neighbors started leaving on an outdoor light that is shining into your child's bedroom? If so, try to fix the situation, such as putting up a room-darkening shade. Second, are the sudden nighttime waking following a period of illness or a holiday? Or do they coincide with a developmental change? If your baby has learned a new motor skill, for instance, learning to crawl, he may want to try it out every chance he gets -- even in the middle of the night. Some babies get caught up in pulling themselves to standing but then can't get themselves back down without help. The best way to deal with these sudden nighttime waking is to stick with what worked before. That is, don't suddenly change your bedtime routine or how you get your baby to sleep. Remain consistent in what you do for several weeks. This will help your child return to sleeping through the night once the temporary issue is resolved.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
15 Kesilapan Ibu Bapa Mendidik Anak-Anak
"Harta benda dan anak-anak kamu hanyalah menjadi ujian dan di sisi ALLAH ada pahala yang besar." (Al-Quran Surah At-Taghabun,64:15)
Anak-anak adalah amanah dari ALLAH s.w.t. dan ianya sebahagian dari ujian ALLAH s.w.t. kepada kita hamba-hamba-Nya. Sebagai ujian, ianya akan di pertanggungjawabkan. Orang yang malang ialah orang yang mempunyai ramai anak tetapi anak-anaknya tidak membawa kebaikan kepadanya di akhirat. Rasulullah SAW diberitakan telah bersabda :
"Tahukah engkau siapakah orang yang mandul." Berkata para sahabat : "Orang yang mandul ialah orang yang tidak mempunyai anak." Lalu Rasulullah SAW berkata : "Orang yang mandul itu ialah orang yang mempunyai ramai anak tetapi anak-anaknya itu tidak memberi kemanfaatan kepadanya sesudah ia meninggal dunia."-(Maksud Al-Hadith )
1. Kesilapan pertama: Kurang berdoa
1.1 Kurang berdoa semasa mengandung. Antara doa-doa yang digalakkan diamalkan semasa mengandung ialah :
* Saidul (penghulu) Istighfar
* Doa memohon rahmat (Al-Quran Surah Ali 'Imran, 3 :8-9)
* Doa memohon zuriat yang baik (Al-Quran Surah Ali 'Imran, 3 :
* Doa agar anak mengerjakan solat (Al-Quran Surah Ibrahim, 14 :
1.2 Kurang berdoa semasa membesarkan anak. Doa-doa yang digalakkan diamalkan semasa anak membesar ialah
* Doa agar anak patuh kepada ALLAH s.w.t. (Al-Quran Surah Al-Baqarah, 2 :128)
* Doa diberi zuriat yang menyejukkan hati (Al-Quran Surah Al-Furqan, 25 :74)
* Doa supaya nama anak membawa kebaikan kepadanya.
2. Kesilapan kedua: Banyak memberi belaian Tarhib (menakutkan) daripada Targhib (didikan atau motivasi) seperti :
* menakutkan anak-anak dengan sekolah
* menakutkan dengan tempat gelap
* menakutkan dengan hutan rimba atau bukit bukau
* menggunakan kekerasan dan paksaan semasa menyuruh anak tidur
3. Kesilapan ketiga: Tidak tegas dalam mendidik anak-anak
* tidak menjadualkan kegiatan harian anak-anak
* terlalu memfokuskan anak-anak kepada sesuatu aktiviti sahaja tanpa mengambil kira perasaan mereka.
4. Kesilapan keempat: Menegur anak secara negatif
* mengeluarkan kata-kata kesat dan maki hamun kepada anak-anak (terutama semasa marah).
* membandingkan anak-anak dengan anak-anak lain atau anak orang lain.
5. Kesilapan kelima: Memberi didikan yang tidak seimbang antara jasmani (physical), rohani (spiritual) dan minda (intelektual)
* ramai yang lebih mementingkan pendidikan minda dari pendidikan rohani
6. Kesilapan keenam: Kurang memberi sentuhan kepada semua anak-anak sedangkan Rasulullah kerap dilihat mendukung cucu-cucunya dan mencium mereka.
Diriwayatkan oleh Aisyah r.a. :
Pada suatu hari Rasulullah SAW mencium Al-Hassan atau Al-Hussien bin Ali r.a. Ketika itu Aqra' bin Habis At-Tamimiy sedang berada di rumah baginda. Berkata Aqra' : "Ya Rasulullah! Aku mempunyai sepuluh orang anak, tetapi aku belum pernah mencium seorang pun dari mereka." Rasulullah melihat kepada Aqra' kemudian berkata : "Siapa yang tidak mengasihi tidak akan dikasihi."-(Maksud Al-Hadith Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)
7. Kesilapan ketujuh: Penampilan diri yang kurang anggun dan kurang kemas
* ibu bapa tidak menunjukkan cara berpakaian yang kemas dan yang menepati kehendak syarak bila berada di rumah, iaitu berpakaian secara selekeh atau berpakaian seksi di hadapan anak-anak.
8. Kesilapan kelapan: Susunan rumahtangga yang tidak kemas.
*Ini mengakibatkan anak-anak terikut-ikut dengan cara itu dan membesar menjadi pemalas dan selekeh.
9. Kesilapan kesembilan: Kurang menghidupkan sunnah di rumah seperti memberi salam, beribadah berjemaah, makan bersama-sama, dsb.
*Dalam menjawab salam, lazimkanlah menjawab salam dengan yang lebih baik dari salam yang diberi.
10. Kesilapan kesepuluh: Tidak menggantungkan rotan di tempat yang mudah dilihat oleh anak-anak.
*Dalam Islam, merotan anak dengan tujuan mendidik adalah satu sunnah.
11. Kesilapan kesebelas: Kurang mendedahkan anak-anak dengan model yang cemerlang seperti para ulama' dan orang-orang yang berhemah tinggi dan berakhlak mulia.
*Anak-anak juga patut didedahkan dengan sembahyang jemaah, kuliah agama dan aktiviti-aktiviti yang bersesuaian dengan akhlak Islam.
12. Kesilapan keduabelas: Bertengkar di depan anak-anak.
*Ini akan menyebabkan anak-anak rasa tertekan dan membenci salah seorang dari ibubapanya.
13. Kesilapan ketigabelas: Membenarkan orang yang tidak elok sahsiyahnya masuk ke dalam rumah kita, baik dari kalangan sahabat sendiri ataupun sahabat anak-anak.
*Ini akan memberikan contoh yang tidak baik kepada anak-anak yang masih membesar.
14. Kesilapan keempatbelas: Kurang mengawasi rancangan-rancangan yang ditonton samada dari TV ataupun video.
*Pengawasan dalam hal ini adalah penting kerana kebanyakan rancangan dari media ini menonjolkan akhlak yang kurang baik seperti pergaulan bebas lelaki
dan perempuan, pakaian yang tidak menepati syarak dan perbualan yang boleh merosakkan agama anak-anak.
15. Kesilapan kelimabelas: Terlalu bergantung kepada pembantu rumah untuk mendidik anak-anak.
*Sebagai ibubapa kitalah yang akan disoal di akhirat kelak akan anak-anak ini. Oleh itu adalah menjadi satu kepentingan kita untuk berusaha memastikan anak-anak terdidik dengan didikan Islam.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Petua Dari Ibu
1. Setiap malam apabila anak tidur hendaklah kita wiridkan Ya Latif ke umbun2 kepalanya sebanyak yg mungkin atau memadai 100 kali.
2. Membaca surah al fatehah 1 kali, alam nasyrah 1 kali
3. Bercakap-cakaplah dengan anak ketika dia sedang tidur dengan menyeru
kepada nama penuhnya berbinkan atau berbintikan kepada kita sebagai ibu
kandung mereka. percakapan itu hendaklah berupa nasihat, pujian dan
berceritalah tentang perasaan kasih sayang kerana sesungguhnya percakapan
kita kepada anak yg sedang tidur itu sangatlah bekesan kepada jiwa dan
4. Apabila kita sedang berbual-bual dengan anak sewaktu dia sedang tidur
kita akan lihat matanya bergerak-gerak, walaupun dia sedang tidur.
5. Ayah dan ibu hendaklah selalu menyapu air lebihan wuduk yang ada pada
kita misalnya air yang masih basah di tangan ke muka dan umbun-umbun anak.
Cubalah petua itu dan insya allah kesannya akan anda dapat lihat sendiri.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Fruits in Your Daily Life
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
My 1st Project - Editing
Friday, March 20, 2009
Nordiani & Suhana
Dah lama x makan nasi kenduri.... sedapppp.... kenduri kat kelantan x sama ngan kenduri kat sini..... Kenduri tunang lak makan Kari ikan, bawal masak merah, ulam-ulaman, budu, kerabu jantung pisang dan mcm² ada.....
Gambar ni semalam baru edit... Pengantin berbaju putih sempena Majlis Akad Nikah.... So sweet.... Nikah kat Masjid Kampung Tujoh....
Ni gambar Suhana tunang.... serba PINK.... berpinau bijik mata aku.... sweet sgt sbb light pink... semua jemputan pun pakai serba pink.... sorry DR Ja..... lama sgt tggu DR JA tawen nak pakai pink....
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Rayn @ Bandung
Monday, February 23, 2009
Menghitung Hari
24th February 2009
25th February 2009
26th February 2009
27th February 2009
28th February 2009 ....................... here we goooooo......... jalan².... cuci mata.....
Friday, February 13, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Have You Watched Them Sleep
This man works hard every day and would sacrifies anything to make sure his family is provided for and his children get the best education possible.
Or how about your mother, whose soft hands once cuddled and held you close when you were a baby? Now, those hands are dry and rough, bearing evidence of the challenges she faced just for us.
This women takes care of our daily needs, constantly nagging and scolding us because of her love for us. But sadly, we often misconstrue her love as control and unfairness.
I have never thought of watching my parents while they slept, I've watched my cousins sleep when they were babies, all round and cuddly and sweet smelling. But watch my parents? No way!
But after reading this message, I realised that there was indeed much truth in it. In fact, my parents do not have to be asleep for me to realise that they have aged.
Just looking at my mother walk tells me that her legs are not as strong as they were before. Or hearing her ask me for help with flowerpot in the garden, the one she used to be able to push and drag around the garden without my help.
Or watching my dad lift a 10kgs bag of rice. I can easily carry that bag now. I am young. But to him, it is a struggle.
What do all these observations tell me? Yes, my parents have aged. They are ageing, just as I am ageing. But as I age towards my best years and become stronger, they in turn are becoming weaker. They were once the caregivers and I the receiver. In time, I know our roles will reverse. Like it or not, want it to or not, this is life.
I suppose I have always subconciously thought that my parents would always be with me, never growing old. It took that message to make me realise that my parents are not immortial. That they, too, will one day leave the world and me. Until then, I will make good use of our time together.
BY : SHAKUNTHALA DEVI (The Sunday Star, 2nd March 2008)
By the way, this article will remind me and my family to appreciate what they have now. It will not last.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Penawar Kepenatan
rumah mahupun di tempat kerja, bolehlah jadikan petua yang diajar
oleh Rasulullah s.a.w. kepada puteri kesayangannya Saidatina Fatimah
sebagai penawarnya.
Suatu hari Saidatina Fatimah mengadu kepada suaminya Saidina Ali bin
Abu Talib tentang kesakitan pada tangannya kerana keletihan menggiling
gandum untuk membuat roti. Saidina Ali berkata : "Bapa kamu telah datang membawa balik tawanan perang. Berjumpalah dia dan mintalah seorang khadam untuk membantu mu."
Saidatina Fatimah pergi bertemu bapanya dan menyatakan hasrat untuk mendapatkan seorang khadam bagi membantu tugas hariannya di rumah.
Bagaimanapun Rasulullah s.a.w. tidak mampu memenuhi permintaan anak kesayangannya itu. Lalu Baginda s.a.w. pergi menemui puterinya serta menantu itu. Baginda s.a.w. berkata:
"Apa kamu berdua mahu aku ajarkan perkara yang lebih baik daripada apa yang kamu minta daripadaku? Apabila kamu berdua berbaring untuk tidur, bertasbihlah (Subhanallah) 33 kali, bertahmid (Alhamdulillah) 33 kali dan bertakbir (Allahuakbar) 33 kali. Ia adalah lebih baik untuk kamu berdua daripada seorang khadam."
Inilah penawar ringkas yang Nabi s.a.w. ajarkan kepada anak dan menantunya bagi meringankan keletihan dan kesusahan hidup mereka berdua. Saidina Ali terus mengulang-ulang kalimah-kalimah Rasulullah.s. a.w. ini.
Katanya "Demi Allah aku tidak pernah meninggalkannya semenjak ia diajarkan kepadaku."
Sayugia dicadangkan kepada ibu-ibu, suami-suami atau sesiapa sahaja yang merasai kepenatan setelah melakukan tugas-tugas harian supaya mengamalkan membaca 'Subhanallah' (33 kali), 'Alhamdulillah' (33 kali) dan 'Allahuakbar' (33 kali) pada setiap malam isitu sebelum melelapkan
Lakukanlah dengan penuh ikhlas dan istiqamah (berterusan) , Insya- Allah petunjuk Nabawi ini mampu menyelesaikan bebanan-bebanan hidup seharian kita. Akan terserlah ceria di wajah pada keesokan hari dengan senyuman.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Family Events 2009
Nordiani's Wedding